Industrial park Mittleres Hardtspiel

The industrial park in the Wintersdorf district is located on the border with France. It is characterized by craft and service businesses. In addition, the area has an important local supply character with a grocery store, drugstore and sporting goods store.

Industrial park Mittleres Hardtspiel
Name: Industrial park Mittleres Hardtspiel
Net area: -
Type of area according to the development plan: GE
Located companies: -
Free area (net): currently no areas available
*of which is owned by the municipality: -
*Largest available area: -
*Smallest available area: -
*Purchase price in €/m2: -
Ground reference value: 100 €


Stabsstelle Wirtschaftsförderung, Stadtmarketing und Citymanagement
Patrick Greis
Kaiserstraße 51
76437 Rastatt
Telefon 07222 972-1240